Monday 1 October 2007: Well, everyone, welcome to October, my favorite month of the year. I just wish the trees around
here would hurry up and turn colors. I finally live off-campus, and we've got plenty of trees, including on in our yard (hello,
raking), so I wish that we got some arboreal fireworks for our money.
Surprise news: I woke up today and hated myself. Very surprising. I looked around at all the stuff I hadn't done around
here, and it was pretty disheartening. I haven't been keeping up on my cleaning, my reading for school, or anything like that.
I've been spending too much money, to boot.
But then my homework comes along and makes me feel better. Really very strange. In my Social Issues course,
we're taking a look at critical thinking. To this end, we're reading a lot of arguments about the state of our culture at
present. A lot of this stuff is pretty gloom and doom, and unsurprisingly, that cheered me up.
If this latest book is correct about literacy rates and the state of intellectualism (circa 2000), I really shouldn't
beat myself up so much. I worry about not being good enough intellectually, but it sounds like if I read more than one book
a year, I'm ahead of the curve! Of course, this is no time to rest on my laurels... Then again, when I inevitably fall short
of my goals, I'll feel a little less terrible.