Saturday 1 October 2005 - It's now my favorite month of the year. Fall is here, and things are going pretty well.
I'm keeping up with my juggling act. Not much new, there. I b.s.ed a lot of "reading journals" I was supposed to keep
since the beginning of the year in American Literature. I don't keep "reading journals." Having that done is a relief. But
more is, of course, on the way.
Dungeons & Dragons went excellently last night: We got a new location, safe from drunks, and containing couches.
Last night's adventure was super-long... I threw some tough stuff at the guys, but nobody's died yet. The best is yet to come--we
had to break off before the adventure was over, since it was 5:00 in the morning. I don't know if we'll get to play again
before next Friday, but that's okay. There's plenty of time for me to polish the rest of the adventure, and maybe throw together
something interesting and fun, possibly short, for the adventure after this.
So, I slept after D&D and woke up to go see Serenity. It was fantastic. Fans of the show ought to enjoy it, and two uninitiated people--girls, at that--also said they liked it.
My friends and I, needless to say, have already begun to pretentiously analyze it. Harmless, luckily enough. Bottom line:
it's a good movie if you like decent plot, drama, and characters, and if you like outer space and action, too. Worth the price
of admission, which is more than I can say for plenty of other movies out there.
Most of all, I have, by a conflict of schedules, been unable to talk to my Rachel this weekend... But tonight, hopefully.
I miss her very badly, for all the fun I've had, lately. I'd like nothing more than to share all of this wonderful life around
me with her. But, I will be patient, and I will wait for our lives to align, as it were. But in the meantime, I miss her.
I'll talk to you all soon enough.